Web Design 1

Where to Find Free Online Courses on Basic HTML & CSS

Learning to code HTML and CSS is the first step towards becoming a web developer. If you want to work with computing software or prefer to build websites from scratch, then a career in web design might just be your thing.

In fact, many professional bloggers and small business site owners are looking for people who know how to write code because they need a website that presents engaging content on top of a user-friendly site interface. 

That’s where the web developer’s creative side really shines. They’re able to quickly narrow down the options for themes and plugins by choosing the ones that best suit the purpose of a website.

Aspiring web developers will gain an eye for graphic design as they customize pre-existing templates and rearrange stock photos to break apart large blocks of text. 

Why Editing with Custom Website Templates Can Help You Learn Front-End Development 

Crafting a website without full control over the user interface is certainly a pain if you don’t already know the ins and outs of coding HTML and CSS elements.

In that case, drag-and-drop website builders are your answer: Flexible platforms like Wix or Squarespace will give you the ability to mix and match stylish fonts, animations, stock photos, and simple icons, in any way you want. 

It allows people with no coding experience to mix and match elements from their default toolsets until they get comfortable with the overall layout. The free version lets you preview your website in the works before you decide to publish it on their domain.

A personal website or blog has many potential applications, one of which is being a platform for marketing your freelance services where you showcase your portfolio projects.

Free Web Design Courses: The More Affordable Alternative to Getting a Computer Science Degree

There’s no doubt that anyone can learn to code as long as they have access to online courses. Plenty of resources are available for people who want to create their own e-commerce sites, mobile applications, software, programming tutorials, web animations, streaming platforms, and more. However, enrolling in courses taught by a computer science professor can cost you an arm and a leg. 

So if your budget is tight, why not take some free courses on HTML and CSS online? These two languages provide a fundamental understanding of how elements are positioned on a page to improve a website’s essential functions. At the very least, you’ll pick up the skills to design a page layout that organizes paragraphs, images, and menu bars that are easy on the eyes. 

And in case you want a sample of the most popular free courses on HTML and CSS, you can start with free lessons on CodeAcademy, W3Schools, or Skillshare until you’re ready to experiment on their website templates by going pro.

Khan Academy is another code learning platform that sharpens your troubleshooting skills by presenting video lessons in an engaging format to help you understand how games are made or why your computer processes applications in a specific order. 

Study at Your Own Pace with Flexible Online Coding Courses

For a more traditional curriculum, platforms like Udemy, edX, and Coursera offer thousands of lessons by partnering with universities and educational organizations. Free Code Camp provides interactive tutorials and a community chat room in case you are stuck on any lesson problems.

One last suggestion is Envato Tuts+ which utilizes a library collection of simple tutorials for any unique situation you’ll encounter in testing the user interface of a given website.     

Did you know that web design can be applied to many aspects of managing a business? These include social media marketing, constructing landing pages, processing payments via a shopping cart, increasing traffic flow using SEO-friendly techniques, and even contributing to your own platform’s database. 

Should You Jump on the “Learn to Code” Bandwagon?

Innovation is key to producing a well-integrated, cross-platform website, but the content always takes top priority in convincing viewers to stick around before returning to their search results. A low-cost, interactive HTML/CSS course is the gateway towards coding more complex projects in the future, possibly helping you continue your career path in web development. 

Whether you’re trying to pick out the most fluid user interface or choosing a background to fit the front page logo, HTML and CSS courses will teach you all about these navigational tools. If you have any doubts about picking up a programming course, just remember to start small and have some patience when you run into roadblocks along the way.