The Challenges of Scaling Your Website Across Mobile Devices

When developers talk about viewports, they are actually referring to the screen resolution, which determines the number of pixels displayed on the screen in dimensions of width by height. For mobile web displays, developers prefer to describe screen sizes as media queries, making a distinction between portrait and landscape modes …

15 Free WordPress Plugins for Bloggers: The Starter Pack

The best part about owning a WordPress site is the amount of customization you can have with its endless directory of plugins. I say this as someone who uses WordPress exclusively for blogging. WordPress plugins offer all kinds of extended features to enhance your website’s functionality. But for the sake …

The Pros and Cons of the Gutenberg Block Editor

The Gutenberg Block Editor is a plugin introduced in WordPress version 5.0, allowing users to create unique content using a large collection of blocks, each designed for a specific layout. These blocks are sorted into several categories including Common Blocks, Layout Elements, Widgets, Formatting, and more. Say Hello to Blocks …